Regional implementation team: PCAF NA

PCAF North America

The PCAF North America (PCAF NA) team builds on the PCAF Netherlands work and tailors it to the US and Canada, which differ in terminology, data availability, and the types of loan and investment activities. It is created by and for financial institutions that aim to lead and inspire.

The team is led by a regional chair, Mr. Ivan Frishberg, Chief Sustainability Officer for Amalgamated Bank and member of the PCAF Global Steering Committee. Mr. Frishberg leads Amalgamated Bank’s carbon and climate commitments, innovative approaches to measure social and environmental impact, and engagement initiatives on behalf of shareholders and clients. He has more than 25 years of public interest advocacy, organizing and policy experience.

As with the PCAF NL methodology, the formulas and data sources are based on the loans and investment portfolios of its authors and currently cover six asset classes. The PCAF North America Report published in 2019 has since been superseded by the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Financial Industry, which was launched in November 2020. 

If your financial institution is interested in joining the PCAF North America team, please contact the PCAF Secretariat.

PCAF North America Methodology Launch

The PCAF North America Launch webinar was held on 28 October 2019. The recording is included below.

Click here to access the slides from this webinar.