Regional implementation team: PCAF Africa

PCAF Africa

The PCAF Africa team is formed by all financial institutions with headquarters in Africa that participate in PCAF. The team is led by a regional chair, Ms. Madeleine Ronquest, Head of Environmental, Social and Climate Risk at First Rand Group and member of PCAF's Core Team.

Ms. Ronquest is a prominent leader in the sustainability and climate finance realm in South Africa. She has taken leadership roles in the Global Steering Committee and other board committees of the United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP-FI), the South African Advisory Committee on Environment and Society, the NBI Advisory Committee on Green Finance, and the Sustainable Finance Forum of the South African Banking Association (BASA).

The PCAF Africa team enables peer-to-peer collaboration to share experiences and lessons learned among its members regarding the implementation of greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting methods in their portfolios. Team members will adopt the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard and eventually develop bespoke local guides to facilitate application in different national contexts. 

By measuring emissions financed by their loans and investments, the PCAF Africa team takes the first step required to assess climate-related risks, set targets in line with the Paris Climate Agreement and develop effective strategies to decarbonize our society.

Provided the large size of the region, as well as its distinctive national contexts, the team would in due course work via national teams. 

If your financial institution is interested in joining the PCAF Africa team, please contact the PCAF Secretariat.